Remember the five tenets of Below 100
Wear your seat belt
Watch your speed
Wear your vest
WIN: What's Important Now
Complacency kills
When in traffic
Wear your high visibility safety vest !!

Stay Safe Out There

NJPTOA, NJ DHTS, NJ Dept. of Transportation, NJ State Police, NJ Division of Fire Safety, NJ Turnpike Authority, South Jersey Transportation Authority, and other traffic safety partners have joined forces to make the motoring public aware of the requirement for drivers to

Slow Down and Move Over

when passing a stopped emergency vehicle, highway workers, and tow trucks.
#SlowDown #MoveOver
Bumper stickers for emergency vehicles are available for First Responders, please visit to learn more.​


Teen Driver Safety

New training dates just announced!

If you manage school crossing guards, go to the Training Page for information on the upcoming Train-The-Trainer webinars in May and August.

Respect the “Danger Zone”
The school bus loading and unloading area is called the “Danger Zone”. Specifically, this is any side of the bus where a child may not be seen by the bus driver and, therefore, is in the most danger. 

Let’s work together to keep our children safe as they wait to ride the bus to and from school.

Est. 1974

Fifty years ago, a small group of New Jersey Police Officers had an ingenious idea of regularly bringing Traffic Safety Officers together to share ideas and promote highway safety. For half a century, the New Jersey Police Traffic Officers’ Association has been at the forefront of advocating for safer roads, educating communities, enforcing traffic laws, helping create legislation, and implementing innovative solutions to prevent accidents and protect lives.  

The first official meeting took place on June 5, 1974, with a handful of Police Officers electing "Tony" Parenti, the Association’s first President and an Executive Board.  Since then, the association has grown from that handful of Officers to 928 members representing 305 local, county, state, and federal agencies and organizations, plus 28 active retired members.

​​​Facts about Teen Driver Fatalities

  • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens (15-18 years old) in the United States.
  • 2,608 people were killed in crashes involving a teen passenger vehicle driver (15-18 years old) in 2021, of which 861 deaths were the teen driver.
  • Parents can be the biggest influencers on teens' choices behind the wheel if they take the time to talk with their teens about some of the biggest driving risks.

Teens buckle up less frequently than adults do. In 2013, over half of teens (ages 15-19) killed in crashes weren’t wearing a seat belt. It’s also impacting their younger passengers: when teens aren’t wearing their seat belts, 90 percent of their young passengers (ages 13-19) who die in crashes also aren’t restrained. Teens need to know that wearing a seat belt can make the difference between life and death.

Click here to go to the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety's website on teen driving and Stick To It!

Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) laws are recognized as the single most effective tool for keeping young drivers safe and reducing teen driver crashes, injuries and deaths.  New Jersey has some of the most effective laws in the country, so to celebrate 10 years of Kyleigh’s Law and 20 years of the GDL, we’re asking NJ to #StickToIt.  (NJDHTS)

Attention parents have a conversation with your teen about the important rules they need to follow to stay safe behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. These rules address the greatest dangers for teen drivers: alcohol, inconsistent or no seat belt use, distracted and drowsy driving, speeding, and the number of passengers.

On average, one pedestrian is killed every 2 days and 14 are injured daily on New Jersey’s roads.

Together, we can be the solution.

New Jersey experiences a disproportionate number of pedestrian injury crashes and fatalities compared to the nation as a whole.  More than 6 in 10 people walk for transportation, exercise, relaxation, or other activities.  The benefits of walking extend beyond the personal and physical to environmental benefits that can lead to healthier, quieter, cleaner, and safer streets.  Walking can also improve local economies and enhance social and community engagement, leading to more vibrant, resilient, and livable spaces.


The NJ Safe Passing Law (NJSPL) (A5570/S2208) is now in effect.  The new law provides clear rules of the road for all motorists about when and how to pass people sharing the road on foot, on bicycles, on scooters, wheelchairs, or in other legally permitted ways to travel other than a motor vehicle.

Click here to go to the NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety's webpage with more information on the NJ Safe Passing Law and Pedestrian Safety. 

As pedestrians, we are all vulnerable to different safety challenges. Take the time to refresh your knowledge on how you can keep yourself and your family safe while walking to your destination, especially around large trucks and buses.

Pedestrian Safety Month is also a priority for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). With over 7,300 pedestrian fatalities in 2021, NHTSA is sharing more information on pedestrian safety awareness to save lives! So don’t be a statistic – be safe when walking along the roads.

FMCSA  Teen Zone
As a new or soon-to-be driver, learning the rules of the road is important now more than ever.

Here you’ll find tips and activities that’ll help you learn even more about road safety.

​In 2022, 72 people died in traffic crashes during Halloween night (6 p.m. October 31-5:59 a.m. November 1).

46% (33) of those fatalities occurred in alcohol-related crashes, which involved at least one driver or motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration at or above .01 g/dL. 
39% (28) of those fatalities occurred in drunk-driving crashes, which involved at least one driver or motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration at or above .08 g/dL.

From 2018 to 2022, there were 386 traffic fatalities during Halloween night.

266 of those fatalities were occupants of a vehicle. 
52% (138) of those vehicle occupants were drunk. 
The 21-34 age group had the highest percentage (54%) of fatalities in drunk driving crashes on Halloween night.

​​New Jersey Police Traffic Officers Association

Halloween Is Coming - Don't Drink & Drive !!!

It is crucial to remind our new and soon-to-be drivers about all the life-saving rules to follow to stay safe behind the wheel!​​

Pedestrian Safety

​​​​​​Slow down and move over – it’s the Law!

Welcome to the official site of the New Jersey Police Traffic Officers Association (NJPTOA).

A unique statewide association, established in 1974, made up of Law Enforcement, Public Sector Agencies, and Private Sector Entities, all with the common goal of enhancing traffic safety in the Garden State.

 This site serves as a resource for our members to exchange ideas and build working relationships. 

Please submit all requests for information to be distributed to our association to: ​

and be sure to add it to your "Safe Senders" or "Whitelist" to ensure delivery of our emails.

Our Mission Statement

Established in 1974
This organization shall be known as the New Jersey Police Traffic Officers' Association

which is formed for the following purposes: 

  • To associate Police Officers engaged in the various areas of Traffic Safety into an organized body so they may be kept apprised of the latest technology, training, and legislation in the areas of Traffic Safety. 

  • To establish and advance cooperation in the police profession and provide guidance and educational techniques to accomplish the goals of the association. 

  • To contribute time and effort to the citizens of New Jersey by means of serving on statewide traffic safety committees. 

  • To recommend and support legislation consistent with the goals and purposes of this association and public safety.